Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Boldness. I have always admired people who are bold. Probably because it’s a trait that I envy and long to have or become. There’s something about people who are bold that I admire. People who are bold in their faith, bold in striking up a conversation with a stranger, bold in taking risks, bold in calling people out, and or bold in making life changes that completely cause 180 degree turn. Maybe I admire them, because I want to be like them. I want to be bold. I’ve never really truly been a bold person. I’ve definitely gotten better as I’ve gotten older, but it’s always been a struggle to me to be bold. I was telling this to a friend of mine and I started to laugh because I told her that it’s even a struggle for me to wear a tank top to the gym because I’m just not bold enough. I mean really!!!! LOL. I once worked with a teacher who had taught for 14 years. She was clearly on the path of spending 35 years teaching to get the full teacher retirement benefits. But she didn’t enjoy it. So rather than keep going down that path, she completely let teaching go to be a personal trainer. That was bold to me. I know this guy at the gym, who whenever you talk to him, he brings up his faith. It’s so apart of him that he can’t help but talk about it being apart of his everyday life. That’s bold to me. I’m one who is always hesitant to talk to someone I don’t know very well. It’s not because I don’t want to, it’s because I’m not good at being assertive right away. And yet, when people are bold and come up to me to talk, it literally makes my day. I’ve always wondered why I’m not an extremely bold person. Why I sometimes walk the perimeter in hopes to be unseen instead of in the middle boldly living life. Is it my quieter personality, is a lack of confidence, is it a fear of rejection….? The truth is, I have it in me. I have the desire to be bold. I just need people to pull it out of me. I need God’s strength to work through my weakness. So my desire moving forward this year is to be bold. To have someone hold me accountable for being bold in all areas of my life. And in the process, allow God to shine through my everyday weaknesses.

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