Sunday, September 20, 2015

Let Your Story Speak

I love how God often times in my life just is so direct with me....for example.  Today is Sept. 20th.  In my life this date has huge meaning.  12 years ago today I had a trampoline accident and was paralyzed.  A defining moment in my life....  Truth is, I don't talk about it a ton any more.  Maybe it's because it was so long ago and maybe because I've just feel like I've told the story so many times that its been overheard.  Yet today at church I sat in my seat and listened as it seemed Mike Baker and I were the only ones in the room.  His message revolved around Acts 3 and 4, where a lame man was healed and he spends the rest of his life running with joy the truth that His Savior had healed him.  He had a story, and he chooses to tell it.  We all have a story.  Our stories go like this: 

I once was _______, but now I'm ________.

For me, my story is I once was lame, but now I stand. I have a story and I need to speak.  I actually love speaking about's just I do it more when directly asked by someone.  I mean I remember the day I came to church in a wheelchair and they asked the audience to stand and sing.  Everyone in the church did, but I couldn't. It was a moment I remember thinking, that I may never be able to stand and sing again.... yet 12 years later I can.  That's God's faithfulness. 

So I write as a way of speaking.  To let the world know that because I have seen, heard, and felt the love of God in some of the most tangible ways ever, I can speak boldly about His constant love for me in the good and bad times of life....


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