Friday, June 17, 2016

USTA Judge of the Year

"The quality of your life will not be defined by momentary
 brilliance but rather persistent faithfulness."

For the past 12 years, I've been a Trampoline/Tumbling Judge.  I love judging because of the people and the ability to travel.  We are like a little family.  Judging is where I fit in and where so many of the greatest memories of my life are made.  So this year I judged the National Championships in Knoxville, TN.  But this year, I was nominated for judge of the year.  It's a big honor just to be nominated.  I really didn't think I'd win simply because other judges have done it longer and given more to the sport.  But needless to say....I won.  I am so grateful to the USTA and the people who area  apart of the organization.  They have given me so much joy in life.  I'm so honored by this award.  BUT as great as a plaque is.....this award serves a greater purpose in my life.  This is a tangable reminder to me of God's faithfulness in my life.  Yes, 12 years ago my life changed becuase of this sport.  And yes, there are many things that my accident "took" from me.  But God has continued over and over again to show himself to be a GOOD God and faithful through it all.  This award is a reminder to me, even 12 years later, that Gods not done.  He's still bringing good things to my life and showing his ever lasting love and faithfulness.  My local newspaper did a report on me.  He did a wonderful job....but the biggest message I want others to know from this award is that God's never done with you.  He can turn a trail into a triumph.  The recognition was wonderful.  But this last week God has been humbling me, Angie Boline, and reminding me of the quote you see above.  My life isn't going to be defined by brilliant acts or awards like this.  But rather by persistent faithfulness to God.  That's my real story in life.  My story isn't about a title or a's about a girl who's desire is to be persistently faithful to her maker. 


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